About our fundraise for poor blind to see again



Because this Quantum Awakening initiative operates solely with volunteers, without housing costs and marketing budget, almost all of the donated money goes directly to our fundraising project "The Light"

Those who awaken from the heart know what it's like to go from blindness to seeing everything and they want to shine their found love far beyond themselves, as they become increasingly aware of it that they are the light.

And then there is nothing more beautiful than making others to see again as well.

At events and workshops where participants learn to think in quantum terms and manage to awaken internally through various exercises, as well as spontaneously, money is collected in a high frequency of unconditional pure love energy.

With this money, which remains imbued with this energy, expansive acts of love can be performed. Some may see this as miracles or magic, things that are unthinkable in a materialistic world.


This story is going to be a vivid example...


Because the Quantum Awakening initiative always aims to make people see again, there is no better way to do this than by spending this money on eye cataract surgeries.

Imagine if an operation doesn't cost thousands of euros (Netherlands: >€2400, Kenya: >€950) but only €25, because there are surgeons with hearts full of love energy, nurses who want to assist with this energy and mindset , and a clinic that lovingly provides space for free?

Then, in just a few days, 100 blind patients can be helped, and it turns out the costs for surgical materials and medicines can be covered with just €2500. Here the fundraising project started as project 'The Light"

In countries with a lot of poverty, malnutrition often leads to blindness (cataracts), and these people cannot afford health insurance: Even €25 is not affordable for them, so the money from this fundraising effort is best suited there.

And think about it, if this money attracts so much love that so many blind people can see again in just a few days: this love energy cannot do otherwise as making the cured patients happy and again also their helpers and families.

This happiness will then result in everyone caring for each other again. Thus, the future smiles upon more and more people.

How beautiful would it be if everyone who donated this money with love energy could follow along and experience that expansion with them: What would happen in your heart then...? This is all about the project "The Light".


                                                                         LET'S MAKE PEOPLE SEE.

Current proceeds €3.877 (77 blind people who will soon be able to see!) 

each get an eye operation (€25)+ pre exam + after treatment (€25) 3.877

updated 07-08-2024

                           Medical camp planned in November 2024: Read more updates here under.


Donate via the buttons below or go to https://gofund.me/23924f38 .

The Ripple Effect


A quantum law state that energies of the same kind attract each other. Angry people attract angry situations, loving actions open your heart, move you, and love flows through you.

In February 2024, the Quantum Awakening team had already reached its goal in just two months with its quantum thinkers and practitioners, raising more than €2500 for 100 eye surgeries.

It was filled with that love, and now as we speak, it's attracting a lot of pure love as well:

This fundraiser caught the attention of the Golden Goddess Circle, inspiring more than 4000 powerful women to set an intention in meditation to amplify the collected love energy 10fold. They foresaw that 1000 blind people with cataracts would be operated on during a medical camp in a remote area of ​​Kenya and would regain their sight. Images of thousands of happy people emerged. It already exists on a timeline; the flow of this love stream just needs to be followed. ( https://youtu.be/8vPwvZKXEE0 )


Shortly after, news came from Eoudia Kosgei, the Kenyan representative of the Quantum Awakening initiative, that the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Karen Community in Nairobi was deeply moved by the "The Light" project with this special concept.

They wanted to express their love by finding doctors and volunteers to assist and arranging for a clinic in a remote region to host a medical camp.

They are willing, without ultimate motives, to partner with us and make this dream a reality, while Quantum Awakening will pay €25 per patient for the surgical materials and medicines.

The energy of this money, infused with pure unconditional love, is indeed becoming greater and stronger; it is magical and project "The Light" has only just begun.

They have experience in organizing medical camps; Their goal is to heal people as well as the doctors, nurses and involved collaborators, work as a community from the heart, and all voluntarily.

The quantum team, the quantum thinkers here and those loving people there, together we form one big heart: They are ready to help even hundreds of patients.

How wonderful does this fit into the intention to let 1000 blind people see again this year!



Join Us in Making a Difference: The LIGHT Initiative

We are thrilled to announce a special initiative to raise funds for eye cataract surgeries for the less fortunate in our community. Our goal is to help those who cannot afford this life-changing surgery.

Event Dates: July 8th to July 20th

Events Location:  Kilgoris, Narok County. Kenya


We are proud to partner with the SDA Church Karen Community Trust and Lions Eye Hospital for this noble cause. Thanks to their support, we have already made significant progress.

Our Milestones:

  • Volunteers: We have three voluntary eye doctors on board.
  • Surgeries Planned: Aiming for 300 surgeries.
  • Current Funds: We have secured funding for 150 surgeries.

About Our Initiative

Quantum Awakening Initiative :

Because this Quantum Awakening initiative operates solely with volunteers, without housing costs and marketing budget, almost all of the donated money goes directly to our fundraising project "The Light".

Those who awaken from the heart know what it's like to go from blindness to seeing everything, and they want to shine their newfound love far beyond themselves. There's nothing more beautiful than helping others to see again.

At our events and workshops, participants learn to think in quantum terms and awaken internally through various exercises. The money collected is imbued with unconditional pure love energy, enabling expansive acts of love that can seem like miracles.

Why Eye Cataract Surgeries?

The Quantum Awakening initiative always aims to help people see again, and there's no better way than spending donations on eye cataract surgeries. Imagine if an operation doesn't cost thousands of euros but only €25 because of the generosity of surgeons, nurses, and clinics.

In just a few days, 100 blind patients can be helped for just €2500, covering the costs of surgical materials and medicines. This project, "The Light," focuses on countries where poverty and malnutrition lead to blindness, and where even €25 is unaffordable for many.

Recent Achievements

  • Funds Received: We have received KSH 208,300 (Equivalent to 1,600 USD) from the Quantum Awakening Foundation.
  • Current Proceeds: €7.502


The energy of the donations, infused with pure unconditional love, is growing stronger. This project has only just begun, and we are committed to seeing it through.

How You Can Help

Every donation made before July 8th will directly support this initiative, enabling us to reach our goal of 300 surgeries. Your contribution is invaluable in restoring sight to those in need. 

Join Us

Everyone who donates will receive updates and participate in the expansion of this pure love energy with all those involved. Experience the magic of making a real difference. Some call it a miracle... you won't want to miss out on this.

Let's Make People See.

Thank you for your support in making a tangible difference in our community!


Our Recent Challenges

* Double the funds for 300 patients : We decided to fund not only the eye operations for €25 pp but also the pre-examination and after care for €25, since there was no sponsor for this yet. Afterall those are inseparable. (SDA funds all costs of organization, Lions Hospital takes care for the lenses and some more) At 21 of June we will reach the total of €7,500 fundraise, originally meant for 300 eye operation. Now we secured the help for 150 patients with this decision. But leaves us with a remaining capacity for another 150 patients.     

Now our challenge is to manifest up to another €7,500! Let's feel the energy of love, it starts in your heart. Join our intention, set it into the universe, €25 +€25 per blind patient, 150 x €50, within 1 month! Let's attract flash sponsors. Volunteers, nurses and eye surgeons are ready for 300 blind to give them sight again. Everything is set.

If this touches your heart, please get in touch with us ( fabianemmen111@gmail.com ) and let's discuss what we maybe can also do for you.

Or just donate athttps://gofund.me/23924f38 by following what your heart tells you in her wisdom to experience with us together the magic of love in this project of miracles, project "Light".

Meet Our Team

We are represented by Kosgei, Eoudia-our ambassador and Mosongo, Maosa - Advocate for the SDA church Karen Trust who have committed to coordinating this medical camp. 

Kosgei, Eoudia                                                                                           Mosongo, Maosa

Ambassador; Project “Light”                                       Advocate; SDA Karen Community Trust.            

Dr. Deepak Kumar Gupta,                                                                           Sophia Makuva

Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon.                                                            Ophthalmic Nurse

                                                                      The Lions Eye Hospital.



We are excited to share an update on our upcoming cataract event. Thanks to the generous contributions from our community, we have successfully raised enough funds to support surgeries for 150 individuals. However, our goal is to help more than 300 affected individuals, and we need your continued support to reach this target.

Why Your Contribution Matters: Cataracts are a leading cause of blindness, and with your help, we can restore sight and improve the quality of life for many more people in need. Every contribution brings us one step closer to our goal.

Medical Team: We are pleased to announce that 12 dedicated medical personnel from the Lions SightFirst Hospital have confirmed their availability to perform the surgeries. Their expertise and commitment are invaluable to the success of this event.

How You Can Help:

  • Donate: Every donation, no matter the size, makes a difference.
  • Spread the Word: Share this cause with your friends and family.
  • Volunteer: If you have medical experience or can assist in other ways, please get in touch.

Together, we can make a significant impact and bring the gift of sight to many more individuals. Thank you for your ongoing support and generosity.


The Light Foundation's Successful Fundraising for Cataract Patients

We are thrilled to share a heartwarming update from The Light Foundation's recent efforts to support cataract patients. Through the collective generosity and dedication of our supporters, we successfully raised funds to aid 150 individuals suffering from cataracts. The total amount raised has been sent directly to our dedicated medical team, ensuring every penny is used for this noble cause.

Our journey to bring light back into the lives of these patients reached a significant milestone yesterday, July 7th, 2024. The Light Foundation team, alongside our medical partners, traveled safely to the venue where the medical camp is set to take place. We are pleased to report that we arrived without any issues and are ready to embark on this impactful mission.

Today marks the beginning of our medical camp, where we aim to perform cataract surgeries and provide necessary medical care to those in need. Our team of skilled medical professionals is prepared and eager to begin the procedures that will restore vision and improve the quality of life for our patients.

This initiative is a testament to the power of community and compassion. We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed to this cause—your support has made this possible. As the medical camp kicks off, we remain hopeful and prayerful for successful outcomes for all the patients.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue this journey of healing and hope.

Thank you all for your unwavering support.


Thank you!

My name is Eoudia Kosgei, and I am the Kenyan representative for the foundation "Light" in Nairobi. As the ambassador of the "Light" project in Kilgoris, I oversee, monitor, and document the entire process at the medical camp from July 8th to 20th.

As a graduate film director, I will produce a documentary for the "Light" foundation, capturing the love, outcomes, and ripple effects of this project.

I am deeply grateful to all our sponsors and proud to be part of spreading happiness through our unconditional, pure love.

Let's make people see

If you want to be part of this, donate any amount, big or small, whatever you can spare. But only with the energy that you felt rising from your heart as you read this.

Everyone who gives, will receive much more in return, because the Quantum Awakening team will ensure you receive updates until you truly participate in the expansion of this pure love energy with all those involved even in a higher frequency as you imbued it in your donation.

You will truly experience it, you can really be there, amidst all these happy people.

Some call it a miracle....You don't want to miss out on this magic from the quantum field that you initiated yourself, would you?

Donate via the buttons below or go to https://gofund.me/23924f38 .




Our intention is for at least 1000 people in Kenya to completely, immediately and permanently receive the eye operation they need to regain perfect eyesight and be competely happy healthy and well in every way, this year.


Sharing is multiplying.

Tell people around you, everyone who wants to listen, about this miracle in the making and they can be part of it.